Now What?

Recently, I wrote about my experiences on the night of the 2023 Emerging Artist Grant, which is fully available on Arts Coast Magazine’s website. The experience was fun and engaging… Read More

Part 1: Art, Computers and Systems

Part 2 – Art, Computers and Systems Part 3 – Art, Computers and Systems In the mid-20th century, the advent of microchips and digital systems ignited a new era in… Read More

My art exhibition finally opens

Blog Post 14 – Agueda Zabisky   The exhibition opening day has arrived: May 4th. After months of hard work, a learning curve and a few obstacles I was able… Read More

Studio Visit Mid-May

Greetings from my studio! It’s been a little shy of two weeks since the opening night of The Emerging Artist Exhibition at Creative Pinnellas. I took a couple of days… Read More

Welcome To My World

Curious about how an artist works and where ideas come from. Follow me into my studio where I talk about my process. Thanks to my friend, artist, and gallerist, James… Read More

Post-Production Processing

It’s been a little over two weeks since I presented my Emerging Artist production of 61 Unused Pages by Vincent Terrell Durham at the Studio@620 and I’ve had some time… Read More


Dropping off three long scrolls after 9 long months of work is ironically like that birth thing. Blood sweat tears, the whole thing, literally. Even groaning. I’m anxious. I’m at… Read More

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