My Teaching Philosophy

After school art class.

I believe that every person is creative. We are born that way. Art comes from our souls; it is sacred and therefore there are no “mistakes.” I encourage my students… Read More

The Show Is Over

Left over pieces of Yupo from original.

The Art show at Creative Pinellas is over. The paintings I created for the show are down and neatly packed into my small studio. Now I’m pondering the question, “Where… Read More

Imagine Nation

Imagination is the motherland of all knowledge and the precursor to all spirituality. While creating for my ghetto gods showcase I came across the word imagination but instead of leaving… Read More


Within the veil of original darkness I share with you not only my light but I share the very ground our hands are being trusted to hold. Trust passing was… Read More

The power of silence

Often times my peers will Mistake my silence for me not caring but that could not be further from the truth. For my silence is me showing how much I… Read More

Reedr of Hearts Bearer of Watts

Mystic Arts When it comes to creation nature is always the first and last inspiration. With this piece I was walking back to my studio from my family’s house. As… Read More

Music influence

One thing that is a must above all else and my creation process is music. Music is the voice of each painting. Since I was young my mom and my… Read More

Anime influence

For those who know my work it is no surprise that anime has been a major influence. Whether it be crazy power ups,character design,storyline or dynamic poses anime is a… Read More

Logos & Commissions

Logos and commissions Often times when a client comes to me for commission they ask for rates and sizes. This may vary whether it be a digital commission or a… Read More

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