
Mentors by Yuly Restrepo December 3, 2020 Growing up, it didn’t occur to me that I could become a writer. Like many other kids, I was an avid reader, and… Read More

Creating from Music

I’ve written briefly about inspiration before, but I’d like to call attention and give more detail about how music has inspired me tremendously over the years. Music has always played a huge role in my life, and although I’m not a musician, I do love to sing and dance…. Read More

Reflecting on a year of COVID, Zoom dance parties, and sitting in necessary discomfort

If you’re someone like me whose brain is usually thinking five steps ahead and is prone to anxiety, these necessary moments of pause can be, well, anxiety-producing. And since COVID hit, there have been a lot more of them. On the one hand, this brings a welcome break to rest, recover and recharge. Slowing down brings time for reflection, to celebrate the moments of collaboration and success and sit with the moments of difficulty…. Read More

Florida Writer

Florida Writer November 20, 2020 by Yuly Restrepo Recently, the University of Tampa’s Macdonald-Kelce library invited me to read my story “Pablo Escobar” for its UTWrites series. The story is… Read More

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