Elizabeth Indianos – Public/Private

By Lynn Whitelaw. “Elizabeth Indianos INTROSPECTIVE: Public / Private” occupies both floors of the Tarpon Springs Cultural Center. It is a perfect venue for this exhibit that traces the nearly 50-year career of Elizabeth Indianos as an award-winning multidisciplinary artist and playwright…. Read More

Elizabeth Indianos

Early in my career, I received a Mobil Corporation grant for the exploration of new materials. Over the past twenty-five years, my diverse and varied work has developed in this… Read More

Thanking Our Arts Teachers

Just one special teacher you connect with can make a huge difference. We asked artists to share the teachers who they want to thank, for helping them become the artists that they are today…. Read More

Feel-Good Arts Recommendations

We live in a stressful world! And the arts can help. We asked Arts Coast readers what arts they turn to when they need some comfort, or just need a laugh – for this wonderful collection of feel-good arts… Read More

A Harvest of Art Openings

By Tony Wong Palms. As the planet goes spiraling round and round, we watch the end of summer, another school year commencing, football season. . . and new exhibition openings in museums and galleries. … Read More

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