The Slow Speed of Seeing

By Tony Wong Palms. If you like to experience culture shocks, eye-dilating vibrations and the relevance of your own thinkings, walk back and forth between the current displays at the Tampa Museum of Art – including Frontiers of Impressionism, a blast from a very revolutionary period in western art history’s past.

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Elizabeth Indianos – Public/Private

By Lynn Whitelaw. “Elizabeth Indianos INTROSPECTIVE: Public / Private” occupies both floors of the Tarpon Springs Cultural Center. It is a perfect venue for this exhibit that traces the nearly 50-year career of Elizabeth Indianos as an award-winning multidisciplinary artist and playwright…. Read More

An Art Business with a Software Model

By Jennifer Ring. Despite the enormous role that artists have played in the beautification of St. Pete, many are still struggling to leave their day jobs and pursue art full-time. Curators & Co. rents local art to local businesses for a monthly fee – helping artists make a living through… Read More

Where Ideas Come From – Dalí’s Drawings

By Rebecca Skelton. Salvador Dalí seems to have drawn constantly. Having been a drawing teacher for about 30 years, I think the most interesting way to view the exhibit “Where Ideas Come From – Dalí’s Drawings” is as a cross section of the means of and reasons for drawing…. Read More

A New Steven Kenny Exhibition

By Steven Kenny. Having a museum retrospective of my paintings spanning almost 20 years brings up a wide array of introspective feelings – not to mention logistical hurdles – culminating in what is perhaps the highlight of my career to date…. Read More

Someday You’ll Have To Say It Out Loud

By Tony Wong Palms. It is a worthwhile trip to see people taking the leap of faith into the unknown. The MFA graduation exhibition at the University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum is their calling card. … Read More

Progress in the Studio

Greetings from Clearwater! The last couple of weeks have been infused with both working on paintings and taking time to contemplate some parameters for the work I’d like to present… Read More

A Pinellas Airport Full of Art

By Tom Winchester. The exhibition of artworks at the St Pete-Clearwater International Airport (PIE) is similar to how European public spaces showcase local masterpieces. The hallways, security check, baggage claim areas and the terminals all have museum-quality exhibitions on view. It’s just a taste of what’s here on the Arts Coast…. Read More

Art for the Bookish

By Margo Hammond. On our anniversary my husband and I always try to include a museum visit for our celebrations to remind ourselves that marriage is an art. This year we went to an exhibit at the Morean Art Center called Bookish, where artists had been asked to submit works based on a book they loved. It was an inspiring concept…. Read More

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