Laura Spencer Illustrates
2019 Emerging Artist Grantee
Post 05 – The Maker
TLDR: Quick update on grant allocations and mentorship meeting; plus a really fun “quiz”!
I’m in the home stretch on a large freelance project and I cannot wait to get freed up and focused back on my grant! The past week has been madness – and the coming weeks are looking just as hectic. But all the while I’ve been grinding through these illustrations, the gears are turning and I think I’ve finally honed in on exactly what and how I will be using this grant opportunity.

Building a Brand:
Through many late night sketchbook session, as well as bouncing ideas off of fellow artists and my EAG Mentor (Mr. Chizzy // Chad Mize), I’ve come to realize that I want to build my brand.
While the moniker, “Laura Spencer Illustrates” served me well for over 8 years, it was never intended to carry on this long. For all intents and purposes, it was a means to an end; created in my final year of college for the purpose of a rudimentary website and career launch. But let’s all be honest – “Laura Spencer Illustrates” is clunky, a mouthful, a bit cumbersome to spell, and there are already a whole lot of other Laura Spencers that are far more famous than little old me. So out with the old! It’s time for a new identity.

A new name has been chosen, and logos are in the works – however I am not quite ready to announce what – or who – I’ll be.
In the meantime, I am making another grant allocation investment. This time, on a brand spankin’ new website, a new domain, and of course business cards. Also – upgrades to some of my favorite software [ArtRage 6].
I feel like this has been a long overdue change, and am very excited to share the progress with you all. Thanks for tuning in – there’s much more where this came from!
Something fun:
Now normally, I’m not one for online quizzes, but I stumbled across this one, and it was surprisingly pretty insightful!
Take the Creative Type quiz, and share your results! – I am “The Maker”

Until next time…
On my mind:
- What I’m reading:
I Work Like a Gardener: Joan Miró on Art, Motionless Movement, and the Proper Pace of Creative Labor - What I’m listening to:
ephemeral [podcast]
- What I’m reading: