
A month after it was delivered I received a facebook message from CalNY asking me if  the painting “Huey Tiatoani” was still available for purchase.  I confess I do not keep up with social networking like many of my contemporaries. My immediate reaction, I thought this person has probably lost interest. Despite my doubts I decided to apologize for the tardiness in responding and yes the artwork was still on hand.

She replied right away and said she wanted to buy the painting. Cal and her husband recently moved from New York to St. Petersburg. She and her husband saw the artwork in the window of St. Pete Artworks one evening as they were walking by. I was the featured artist that month. 

I made arrangements for Cal to meet me at my studio. I carefully wrapped the painting so it would be ready for her to take. Upon her arrival we talked about moving from NY, since we both had done it. She was busy decorating and refurbishing her new home, leaving her little time to come to the gallery when it was open, to purchase the work. 

I had a dilemma. The painting was juried into an art show at a nearby  local venue. Should I sell the painting and ask if I could replace it with another. Maybe Cal will let me borrow it for the duration of the show. The third option would be not to sell the piece to Cal. I decided to let her buy it and let the dice fall where they may. “Bridge To Other Realities.”

Cal and I continued our conversation about the perils of moving. She was looking at “Bridge To Other Realities” the painting that was hanging on the wall of my studio, She began talking about her bird Bela who died two years previously. His death broke her heart. The colors in the painting drew her attention reminding her of her beloved bird. The same blue as her feathered creature. At closer look she could see the shape of a bird. She told me she was trying to find someone who could do an abstract using the same colors and shapes as she glared at Bridges. Finally she turned to me and asked if it was OK if she changed her mind and took this one. She called her husband to verify that making this change was agreeable with him. He approved of the picture she sent him as they were having the conversation. I was delighted that my quandary solved itself. As Cal was getting ready to leave she decided to buy  another painting she liked, “Sun, Sextile Moon.” I drove Cal and her new acqusitions safely home.Bela and his friend.

She called me soon after I got back to my studio. She propped the painting against a wall, amongst many unpacked boxes. While she was admiring the painting and reminiscing about Bela a feather flew out of one of the boxes, moving around as if it was looking at the painting. Cal knew it was Bela giving his approval to her purchase. 

A chill ran down my spine. The connection between Cal and Bela is strong even in death. She knew his spirit is with her.

This kind of synchronicity makes my heart sing. Its like magic. Nothing can separate us from love. 

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