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Online Classes from DFAC
Dunedin Fine Art Center is offering a range of online classes, including
Chef Craig Tinling’s instructional videos for delicious recipes that you won’t want to miss.
Glenn Woods has done three wheel throwing demos in our clay studio, that are bound to include tips for whatever level of potter you are (or want to be).
Shawn Dell Joyce shares a couple of lessons that will have everyone drawing just a little better.
And Nathan Beard shares excellent tips on preparing 2D artworks for exhibition,
Plus plenty of other links to inspire you at
Visit the FaceBook groups that are keeping us all in touch with each other under the Community Sharing section of the ART of Social Distancing!
Online Classes from Keep St Pete Lit
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Keep St Pete Lit is offering on establishing a writing routine at home and writing fiction — with more classes on the way for writers of all ages.

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Liz Lerman’s Atlas of Creative Tools
The amazing dancer, choreographer and teacher Liz Lerman talks about getting outside your comfort zone, being creative inside and outside of the box — and not being perfect in the moment but finding ways to support each others’ work.
Watch the video at vimeo.com/300088026. Find out more about Liz Lerman’s creative work at lizlerman.com.
Florida Holocaust Museum
As the Florida Holocaust Museum points out, “History has shown that there is an uptick in prejudice and bigotry during destabilizing events. It is critical right now to teach about the consequences of unchecked hatred, and the inherent worth and dignity of people of all races and cultures.”
The Museum’s education resources are available online, including
- the art of Holocaust survivor and fabric artist Esther Nisenthal Krinitz
- Ann Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl
- Farewell to Manzanar, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston shares the story of her time spent in the Manzanar internment camp from 1942 to 1945.
Find all these and more at flholocaustmuseum.org/learn/curriculum.
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- Watch the video of HowlRound’s livestreaming panel,
Artists In a Time of Global Pandemic
for US-based freelance artists and cultural workers in all disciplines.
(with ASL and captions)
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Art the Virus
Follow the creative prompts on Art the Virus’s Twitter or Facebook feeds to engage your creativity.
The challenge to “create a corona virus” inspired designs expressed in everything from oil paint to cookies.