Intro to iBOMS

Hello, My name is Jabari Jahi Babatu Reed Diop. I’m a multidisciplinary artist and enjoy using mediums such as graphite, spray paint, resin casting, Digital design, and nature. while searching… Read More

Shashin at the MFA

By Beth Reynolds. The “Shashin” exhibit at the MFA is worth the price of admission, but only if you really take time to be with the photographs. Dwell in them and think about history, the difficulty of photography in this era and the artistry of the hand-coloring. Dwell in them and try to imagine being there…. Read More

Dunedin Highland Games 2023

This past Saturday, April 1, 2023, was the 55th Dunedin Highland Games and Festival.  The annual event takes place at Highlander Park, in Dunedin, Florida.  The Highland Games are one… Read More

Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville at freeFall Theatre

By Cindy Stovall. Ken Ludwig’s “Baskerville” opened at freeFall Theatre in St. Pete to sold out crowds and great acclaim. It’s a bandwagon you’ll have no difficulty jumping on. A murder mystery with a mythic murderous hound and great performances, it’s altogether a wonderfully entertaining theater experience…. Read More

Visual Art and Poetry to Honor Jack Kerouac

By James E. Hartzell. The Friends of Jack Kerouac present our next fundraiser, the “Poetic Portals: Art and Poetry Exhibit” on Saturday, April 8 in honor of National Poetry Month. This showcase features 25 pairs of artists and poets from St. Pete and Tampa creating visual art in response to poems…. Read More

Code as a Creative Medium

Code and computation seem to underpin every level of our natural world. Be it quantum physics or biochemistry, science observes constructs at every scale that can read, write, memorize or… Read More

Process as a Spiritual Endeavor

I often describe my process when creating work as a spiritual endeavor. I feel as though I am a conduit or channel for divine energy to pass through my bodymind… Read More

National Poetry Month – Free Reading Series

By Robbyn Hopewell. Eckerd College welcomes three renowned, award-winning poets to St. Petersburg to celebrate National Poetry Month with readings on the College campus and at the Salvador Dalí Museum. Pádraig Ó Tuama, Victoria Chang and Rooja Mohassessy will share… Read More

MOVE St Pete! Dance Festival

By Andee Scott. I believe in the power of dance, especially in the live performance of it. By positioning dance as public art, I create opportunities for audiences to see live performance for free, without having to buy a ticket or go to a theater. MOVE St. Pete! takes place on Saturday April 8 at the Mahaffey Plaza… Read More

Nothing Like a Rejection Letter

I can’t tell you the number of rejection slips I’ve gotten over the years, but at this point it has to be in the hundreds, maybe even thousands. It’s one… Read More

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