Next Stop NYC My next project will be at Brookfield Place in New York City this July. I will be creating a series of wearable sculptures called MEGAMITES. Each sculpture… Read More

Sea Life

  Sea Life A family trip to the Florida Keys ignited another passion of mine for the ocean and sea life. We took a week long family trip to Marathon… Read More


Setting There is a silent character in all great theatre, and that is setting. All of my favorite playwrights (and novelists) use setting not merely as the place where the… Read More


People often ask me:  What inspires your art?  Well, a number of things actually.  I am inspired by nature.  I am also interested in mythology, history and literature.  I try… Read More

Painting Madeline

Painting Madeline In this blog post, I am continuing the story of how I am creating my large Not #MeToo: No More Casting Couch painting that I will be showing… Read More

In Transit

Turn Around and Do It Again I’ve been away in San Francisco installing Cauldron Veil. at the Exploratorium in a show call Inflatable. It was curated by This Is Colossal… Read More

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