On Ingenuity

With some caveats (see one below), research concludes that grit is a strong predictor of success.1 If you can dust yourself off and get back up after a fall or… Read More

Happy Earth Day!

It’s a Saturday morning in mid-April and I’m walking down Gandy Beach with a friend. What I see is dismaying. Scattered all about the beach is garbage… piles of it…. Read More

Project Finished

Blog 21 Last week, I finished final edits on my novel, The Harvest. When I started the Emerging Artist program, my goal was to finalize a novel that I could… Read More

Marrying Maracuyá

Marrying Maracuyá By: Sara Ries Dziekonski 4/23/21 Blog #21   Hello Wonderful People! Here’s some exciting news: my latest collection of poems, Marrying Maracuyá, is fresh off the press from… Read More

Marrying Maracuyá

Blog #21   Hello Wonderful People! Here’s some exciting news: my latest collection of poems, Marrying Maracuyá, is fresh off the press from Main Street Rag! Two boxes of books… Read More

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