One City Chorus Sings for Ukraine

One City Chorus

A Benefit Concert
for the People for Ukraine

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May 1 at 4 pm
St. Petersburg
Details here

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After a prolonged Covid-related hiatus, One City Chorus is back to rehearsing in person – and performing a benefit concert. Admission is free and donations will be accepted to benefit the people of Ukraine.

One City Chorus was founded in the fall of 2016 with the belief that singing in a group builds community and leads to better understanding among people. The chorus seeks to make the world a better place by singing songs about social justice, civil rights, diversity and equality.
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A performance at the Palladium just before the pandemic
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“We encourage people of all races, cultures, creeds and communities to sing with us. We have NO auditions!” The chorus meets on Mondays from 7-8:15 pm at Lakewood United Methodist Church in St. Petersburg. Everyone is welcome to join in and share your voice.

Their performances have been described as “joyous, uplifting and beautifully sung” by Creative Loafing, who honored them with a Best of the Bay Award for “Best Voices Raised Together in Song.”
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Getting creative during lockdown
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The titles of some of the songs One City Chorus will be singing on May 1 suggest what the concert will be about – “You Gotta Put One Foot in Front of the Other,” “I Still Believe,” “Hope Lingers On,” “None of Us Are Free if One of Us is Chained,” “We Can Be Kind” and “Here to Love.”

The May 1 performance is at 4 pm at Lakewood United Methodist Church, 5995 Martin Luther King Jr. St. S. in St. Petersburg.
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photo by Tom Kramer

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OneCityChorus - photo by Tom Kramer
OneCityChorus - photo by Tom Kramer