Mother’s Day Surprise

Mother’s Day this year was full of surprises. First, I had a nice visit with my Mom in the early afternoon, smothering her with love, adoration, and Belgian chocolates. Second, I headed to Creative Pinellas to meet my friend Jodi Cristina to see the exhibit with her. Consequently, the most amazing things keep happening. 

I arrived early to the gallery. As I stood outside talking on the phone, I saw two people on bikes, slowly riding towards me. The woman said to me, “Aren’t you one of the artists?” I said, “Yes, I am!”  She then proceeded to tell me that she and her husband saw the emerging artists talk on Facebook Live the previous Thursday night. As a result, that’s how she recognized me. She asked me if I would be talking about my work. I told her I would be happy to when my friend got there.

The Call Home

Jodi, arrived and we exchanged lovely friendship hugs and greetings and I told her about the two people. Next, we walked back to ’The Chapel’ as I call it. Thanks to Interim Gallery Director, Beth Gelman’s, thoughtful curation of our art, my six pieces are grouped together in a nearly private space towards the back of the galleries. The space creates a sacred feel to my series of deeply personal paintings. Sue and Dave (the two on bikes) were already there, as well as some other guests enjoying the Emerging Artist Exhibit.


I started to share about my pieces one by one. Three other women there (who appeared to be a mother and her two daughters), Sue & Dave, and my beautiful friend Jodi listened and asked questions as I discussed many things about my pieces. I talked about the background stories, the process, the healing, and the love between me and Dad and me and Kellie Ricks. I spoke openly and from my heart. Others came through and listened in here and there, as well.

Kellie Lea Ricks

It’s absolutely gorgeous how when you are living and creating from your heart, things really do line up in surprising ways! I’ve always heard that and read about it, but really living it, is something else! I really like how author Martha Beck talks about doing things in life that feel like “Shackles Off”! There’s no room for those “Shackles On” people, places, or things. 

After this delightful set of synchronicities, Jodi and I headed to Guppies on the Beach for a delicious bite to eat and to catch up! I’m so grateful and blessed! My heart is full! 

You can’t make this stuff up!

Me and Jodi


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