Hello, just a quick post to share some good news…
The Dunedin Art Festival last week end (previous post) was great! I was honored to see some of my last paintings go in homes of amazing people!
I had submitted my participation to an international art event in Monaco by sending images of several pieces. Each was submitted to a jury by projection during an event in an hotel in Monaco. I just learned that I won the “Grand Trophee de Monaco” in the painting category… 🙂
You can read the art critics comments on my work and also specifically on each piece in the link below. It is in French – but a quick copy/paste in Google can do the work…
the last 3 lines:
“The Jury Committee, meeting in Monte-Carlo, at the end of this art contest, selected this style and its aesthetic contribution and unanimously admitted the painter Patricia Kluwe Derderian to the 2019 Awards. December 2, 2019 , the Jury Committee awarded the prestigious Grand International Trophy for Artistic Styles to Monte-Carlo, to the painter Patricia Kluwe, winner of the Palmarès. Monaco 2019. The Editions of museums and culture sent her their congratulations.”