I’ve been thinking about what I want to do for the Emerging Artist Exhibition, which will take place on July 14th. It has been difficult to come up with ideas for how I want to present what I’ve been working on during this grant period because I’m a writer. A significant number of the other grantees are visual artists, so their disciplines lend themselves more organically to being exhibited in a gallery.

An idea I had was to record a video of myself reading a portion of the novel I have been working on, but I don’t particularly like hearing myself read my work, and I feel it might be a bit boring for this event, though I will be reading anyway on the day the exhibition opens. I knew I wanted to do something with video, and I have been in contact with some people who work with that medium, but it’s hard to organize something concrete when you don’t know exactly what you want to do. Then, this week, while talking to my mentor, Roxanne Fay, she suggested that it might be a good idea to select a dialogue-heavy passage and have it performed by local actors. I loved the idea, and I feel like now I have a concrete goal to work toward for the exhibition. I’m super thankful for the guidance Roxanne has given me throughout the last few months, and in particular, it’s really cool to have someone who’s not working in my exact discipline because it allows me to look at my art from a different perspective.