And that’s a wrap!

It’s been a whole month since I wrapped filming for the movie “Blackview”, and I am missing being on set already. As you know, I was casted for a leading role and the character I had the pleasure of playing was “Nia.” Between her unfiltered personality and zero-tolerance attitude, I think she will be an audience favorite by far. I’m truly lucky to have played a character with so many layers and similarities to myself, as it made acting a little easier. I can’t wait for you all to meet her.

From the moment I arrived on set and until the very last day, it was nothing but laughs, love, and embrace. It’s something special about those projects that have a small crew and cast, because you really become family. Throughout the entire experience, I was always being “fed” whether it was encouraging words from my acting ability, offered support for future projects with Black On The Scene, and just those deep conversations about having faith in God. That feeling alone is worth more that money can ever buy.

I never thought I’d say this, but I even miss being on set until 5am then having an 8am call time. Crazy right? But because of how much we were enjoying each other, we didn’t even focus on losing sleep. The bulk of the story is about a group of friends, so most of our scenes took place with the leading cast. In between takes we always found those moments to joke, sing, nap, and party aka drink lol.

Before I “wrap” with this blog, I want to highlight the co-directors, co-writers, and co-producers on this film, Alena Drake and Ashayla Blakely. They took their web series and made a spin off movie that gave many aspiring filmmakers a chance to invest in their creativity. I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to play such a dynamic character and will never take it for granted. Thank you, ladies!

SN: If you see my character “Nia” believably tipsy at any point in the film, blame it on method acting.

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