A Musician’s Life Part II

IMG_0022A Musician’s Life

During Quarantine

day 28

Originally, I had planned to offer insight on the differences between the oboe, the oboe d’amore, and the English horn but I decided to go in a different direction and offer insight on how I am dealing with the pandemic.

Being a musician during this time of COVID19 is difficult, to say the least.  Between all the performances and venues being cancelled or closed until at least May 31st, continuing to be a better musician is proving problematic!   One top of that, the quarantine prevents any contact with my fellow musicians!  With teachings going online, the immense learning curve for the technology side has been demanding and tedious, to say the least.  I have watched at least twenty webinars to figure out the best teaching setup possible for both private and college aged students.

Then there is my drive to continue to practice and play.  I decided when all this started, I would do all I could to better myself through practicing.  This was great for about two weeks.   Now I  find myself falling down the proverbial rabbit hole of not practicing and loosing my enthusiasm to do so.

Today I decided this has to change.  Playing has always been my “outlet”, my way of expressing myself and my very own personal therapy. Therefore, I am going to begin to record short videos and post them here.

We are all in this together and we will all persevere!!!!!!

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