Without Words

A surprising and beautiful thing happened when I attended our 2021-2022 Emerging Artists Opening Exhibition. Despite having had the pleasure of meeting our fellow grantees (as much as possible due to COVID restrictions and precautions) and connecting online- I felt that I was really getting to know these amazing artists. Adam is an introvert and will happily never speak in public or meet anyone new, he’s what we call a “Social Vegan” – he avoids meet. 😉

by Margherita Tibaldo

So, I typically end up the voice and face of Dimple’s Days, as I am an extremely extroverted introvert. (that’s a whole other blog post) Yet the night of the exhibition changed all of that.

by Heather Rippert

I was wandering around getting lost in all the amazing work surrounding me and found that I understood Teresa’s pieces in much greater depth, despite having her descriptions and communicating for months and I immediately felt Heather’s pain and grief as her pieces enveloped me in anguish and love, all at once. Dorian’s work really made me think and while I could go on and on about each one of my fabulous fellow grantees, I’m going to try to stick to the point.



by Ashley River
by Rachel Ratcliff

It felt as though all those amazing artists had written their story and wrapped it up inside their work. I feel that I learned more about my fellow grantees through their work than their words, in the most incredible way. It was as though, in our talks, emails and ZOOM meetings, I saw their pieces, but in person, I felt their passion.


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