The “Journo-Poems” of Florida Man

In March 2024, the Orlando-based publisher Burrow Press is releasing a new edition of my poetry collection Florida Man: Poems. The book “revisits” the original work and extends its themes… Read More

Inky Hands Full Heart

I’ve always loved ‘Love’ and Valentine’s Day. Some of the very first greeting cards I printed when I got my Chandler & Price tabletop press and started my printmaking practice… Read More

We Are All Magic

Last week I started to write about my progression as an artist starting with what it was like growing up in Barbados and the support I received from the artistic… Read More

The Poetry of Broadsides

After we met at Indie Flea, Kaitlin Crockett and I got coffee at the Black Crow on Central. We talked about Florida and poetry and her experience as a printmaker…. Read More

Inspiration for a Still Life

I am very inspired by Dutch painter Adriaen Coorte, whose work often features elements on the verge of falling. His compositions are set up in a way that imply “imminent… Read More

Bajan Broughtupsy

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Broughtupsy: (noun) Diminutive of brought up. (Caribbean) good manners.    What was it like growing up on a Caribbean Island? This is a bit of a loaded question. I lived… Read More

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