Resilience Blooms: Surrendering to Growth

“Resilience Blooms: Surrendering to Growth” is the sixth in the “Transcendence” series of oil paintings that I painted as the 2023 Emerging Artist Grantee, with Creative Pinellas. It’s a remarkable… Read More

But wait there’s more

There are thoughts about this grand experiment I’ve called the scrolls. I know if I want to move forward to make them viable for future exhibits I have to perfect… Read More

Direct and Indirect Characterization

Something I talk about regularly with my students is characterization. It’s something I have to think about regularly as I create stories and characters outside of class as well. I… Read More


A month after it was delivered I received a facebook message from CalNY asking me if  the painting “Huey Tiatoani” was still available for purchase.  I confess I do not… Read More

Audition Tips and Tricks for Actors

Auditions can be a challenge for actors of all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or just starting out, proper preparation and a confident approach can significantly enhance your auditioning… Read More

Directors Note: 61 Unused Pages

With only a few more weeks left of our Emerging Artist Exhibition, I thought it’d be a good share my Directors Note from the production! If you’ve already experienced either… Read More

Easy Steps to Writing Better Dialogue

Yeah, they say I’m good with dialogue. I’ve lived a life, I’ve heard enough [expletive] conversations, I ought to be. -Bukowski Dialogue is one of those elements of writing that… Read More

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