Al Downing Honors at The Palladium

July 21 at 3 pm Palladium Theater, St Pete Details here A conversation with Frank Williams requires some prep – eight hours of sleep, a good breakfast, some stretching. After… Read More

Try Something New

By Libby Lewis. For anyone struggling to find inspiration or improve as an artist, just try something new. You never know where it will lead you…. Read More

SQUISHED at Eckerd College

By Tom Winchester. Izzy Pav’s “SQUISHED” recently on view at Eckerd College exhibited sculptures and paintings to convey how overwhelming daily life can feel…. Read More

Thanking Our Arts Teachers

Just one special teacher you connect with can make a huge difference. We asked artists to share the teachers who they want to thank, for helping them become the artists that they are today…. Read More

Cuba via Baseball, Culture and Art

By Kerry Kriseman. Every one of us has a story to tell. The connectedness that results when we can empathize and see ourselves in someone else’s story is needed now more than ever in this increasingly difficult world…. Read More

Artistic Discovery 2024

Through April 28 Free Gallery at Creative Pinellas Details here The Artistic Discovery 2024 – 13th Congressional District of Florida Exhibition is on view at the Gallery at Creative Pinellas… Read More

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