Cultures of Excellence in the Novel

We hear a lot these days of creating “cultures” in institutions and systems. By culture, in this new sense, we seem to mean something like the people in the place, how the people in the place interact, how the place (the building, the hours, the rules) affect the former two, the people and the acting… Read More

Painting in water

Painting in water By Joseph Weinzettle I often work in cypress ponds in Pinellas County. Sometimes, I work from the banks (first image, below) other times I work in standing… Read More


FOUNDATIONS By Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse Too often we take foundations for granted.  Oh, not again.  Can’t I skip that.  I think of when I was taking singing lessons… Read More

Florida light

Florida Light By Joseph Weinzettle Painting in Florida light poses some unique challenges and opportunities. Most art education is in the studio, not en plein air, so for the most… Read More

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