Painting in water
By Joseph Weinzettle
I often work in cypress ponds in Pinellas County. Sometimes, I work from the banks (first image, below) other times I work in standing water (below).

On site, painting in progress, 2020
After being flooded out from swamp works-in-progress, I got myself a utility bucket which was a high enough seat through much of the wet season. In the photograph below, my panel painting is balanced on my bucket. A smaller bucket with paints is to the right.

I work in fluctuating water levels. Somedays, I couldn’t reach the site as the water level was too high. Other times, the water level has noticeably dropped. I worked on this painting, Cypress Trunk, from time to time over two years. It is underdrawn with silverpoint, bamboo brush and ink wash. This last photograph was taken May 17, 2020: