Ancestral Funk Inc is an artist emporium that allows artists to be who they were purposed to be. It was started in 2018 and was the brainchild of artist Siobhan Monique who believed that artists need an authentic space to be who they were destined to be! Its team consists of powerful, pioneering creatives, including Ashaanti Dey who is The Priestess of The PneuNaTionSanctuary Ministry — a silent temple for African Spiritual Systems and The Chieftess of The NuNation Estate Homestead “The Land Before Time.” The third member, Melissa Roland, is the vice President of Ancestral Funk Inc. and Vice President of RaceWithoutism, a socially conscious organization with the primary goal of the eradication of systemic racism. AncestralFunk’s tag line is “The Sound, The Community, The Movement.” The SOUND is the alchemy of authentic rhythms passed down through generations of ancestral roots. The COMMUNITY consists of all artists and individuals who celebrate the goodness and value of their peace-loving ancestors. The MOVEMENT includes all artists, their followers, fans, and individuals who believe that there is only one race — the human race. As responsible Descendants, we promote LOVE, UNITY, and ENLIGHTENMENT… always!
Ancestral Funk Inc