SIMI The Series Ep 1 – Dreammakerz Productions

SIMI SERIES SYNOPSIS: As a young child Simi Unction is forced into an induced coma due to what’s presumed to be a major illness that affects his nervous system and causes him great pain. Time passes and he awakens as an adult on a new journey of self discovery to find out who he is, his purpose, and whats causing his condition. When he discovers he has supernatural abilities that allows him to absorb energy from others, he finds himself faced with tough decisions that perplexes his life even more leaving him to question the world around him as his will to live without pain becomes more complicated.

Simi The Series

Debbie Garrett- Director

Cranstan Cumberbatch- Co-Director

Debbie Garrett- Writer

Debbie Garrett- Producer

Cranstan Cumberbatch Producer

Cranstan Cumberbatch Key Cast “Simi”

Alicia Johnson Key Cast “Aries”

Rich Gil Key Cast “Nurse Pete”

Ariel Blue Key Cast “Nurse Joy”

Joy Garrett Key Cast “Simi’s Mother”

Cranstan Cumberbatch II Key Cast “Young Simi”

David Smith Key Cast “Griotian 1”

Blue Felieu Key Cast “Griotian 2”

Donovan Whitney Key Cast “Homeless Griotian”

Debbie Garrett Key Cast “Dr Lane”

Aaron “M’Joe Mae” Henderson Key Cast”
Guy at Bus Stop ”

Akeem Rogers Key Cast “Man by the Car”

Donovan Whitney Key Cast “Homeless Man”

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