2024 Emerging Artist Exhibition – Gaby Rosa

Artist Statement

As a fire performer and acrobat, my work explores themes of feminine power, grace, magic, and mysticism. Through a fusion of storytelling and theatricality, I create captivating and inspiring performances.
Drawing inspiration from nature, mythology, and the supernatural, I stretch the limits of imagination in every act. My art reflects the epic journey we all navigate, incorporating myth and storytelling to reframe life’s challenges as opportunities for growth—mirroring the trials faced by legendary heroes and heroines.
In a world where women’s voices are often underrepresented, I highlight strong female archetypes through mesmerizing fire dance and gravity-defying feats. By embodying ancient goddesses and heroines, I celebrate the power of femininity and aim to inspire others to embrace their inner strength and magic, sparking the fire within themselves.
My work featured in the gallery is from a recent show I produced called the mythical menagerie. This show incorporated live music, visual art, interactive art, and performance art to create one epic legendary event.

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