The Medium is the Message
The process of working in steel is very much like working in clay, where a little chunk of clay is added to an armature until the figure is achieved. In my case it’s a little chunk of metal. You may say clay is more forgiving, more malleable – true, but metal is also malleable and flexible to a degree. Also, clay has to go through an elaborate time consuming process and be fired twice to become hard and permanent, while metal is instantly solid and permanent once welded. And you can bash on steel with a hammer to further refine the shape, try that with a piece of fired clay. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, as do all mediums. The difference I believe, is in the temperament of the artist who controls the materials.
One must find a medium that matches their personality. Clay is delicate and finicky. You have to be patient and sensitive to work with wood, one false move and the damage is irreparable.Glass requires a skilled analytical approach, while working directly in steel demands a degree of spontaneity, a confidence to commit to something and keep moving. When one finds their medium, working with it seems intuitive and enjoyable.