Political Theatre

How Plays With Messages of the Moment Become Enduring Classics. TheŒæAmerican Stage Theatre Company recently debuted its reworking of Moliereäó»s satire of religious hypocrisy, Tartuffe. The farcical comedy debuted in… Read More

The Play’s the Thing

Stephanie Gularte is Injecting a New Energy at American Stage and Shares Why She Chose the Plays in the Theateräó»s 2016-17 Season. American Stage, a professional theater company with first-rate… Read More

5 Things To Do

November 4-10 Thereäó»s a heck of an election coming up next week! If youäó»re too close to the edge of your seat, it might be time to distract yourself. Here… Read More

5 Things To Do

October 28-November 3 Itäó»s Halloweeeeeeeen! And while Fall may rarely show her true face down here in the tropics, itäó»s still a time for change, for exploration of the strange… Read More

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