My 2020 solo exhibition- Relative Motion: focused observations

Gallery corner
The Burgeoning, The Beguiling, and State of Flux

Pictured here are some photos from my solo exhibition at the Tully Levine Gallery at the Art Exchange in Feb. and March 2020. There will be more to follow. The exhibition consisted of 24 non- objective oil and cold wax paintings, and drawings. I was interview by Mark Aeling in the gallery talk that followed. I was fortunate to have the exhibition just before the Covid lock down. 

What inspires this work is interaction with the natural world, which ignites both my senses and my intellect. Rhythm, pattern, and repetition color dictate my process and the direction each work will take.  I become inspired through direct observation and by immersing myself in nature. The inherent themes of permanence, impermanence, and transience become the basis of my work.

 Painting makes me pay attention. It entices me into the mystery of nature and the landscape of memory. It is my humble hope that this work resonates with my audiences. 


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