Intro to my studio

This clip is an introduction to my studio at St. Pete Artworks, 2604 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL. Thirty-one members of the co-op show their work. There are four working studios and a classroom. 

This is the third year that I will be in this workspace. My previous studio was 10×20. Needless to say, I needed to consolidate my tools. My friend John, designed and built my studio according to my needs. I have plenty of flat surfaces to work on and storage for all my supplies like collage papers, stencils, stamps, crayons, and markers. I never know what I may want to incorporate into a painting.

John and I worked together in his studio. He saw my need for flat surfaces. I may work on two or three pieces at the same time. I am a layerist. My water media creations need time to dry between the layers of paint. Each piece is one step at a time. I found that working on more than one painting keeps me from making mud. Just like too many layers of wet paint on the same surface turns to a yucky brown

I have a wall to display my work outside my studio door. 

You’re welcome to come visit to see what I am up to. The gallery is open 11-7, Tuesday thru Saturday, and 11-4 on Sunday.

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