Entering The Experience

The Start

I’m sure that there have been dozens of artists before me that were lucky enough to receive an artist grant from Creative Pinellas. So technically, I shouldn’t feel like the first, but since I’ve never had such an experience like this before, it is a first – for me. It’s exciting and a bit scary. It’s also somewhat overwhelming and intimidating.

So now being a part of a very specific evolution as an artist known as the Creative Pinellas Emerging Artist program, is kinda weird. So to start, I’m writing my very first blog/story to try and explain the entry into this experience. I’ve been struggling to understand what is expected of me. Am I expected to show some sort of evolution of how I go from inspiration to finished work? I guess I’ll find out as time goes on. Like I said, it’s a bit daunting.

Since I received the notification of the grant from Creative Pinellas six weeks ago, I think I’ve only done about about ten paintings. I normally do more. And most of the paintings I have done in this period don’t thrill me. Truth be told, there’s some stress I’m feeling connected with being a grant recipient. It’s messed with how I roll creatively. But I know that I’ve done that to me, all by myself.

Handling the Experience

As a result of all of my internal angst, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can either let it continue to overwhelm me or I could embrace it and have fun with it. I’ve chosen the later. It’s kind of like being in college again wherein I have “tests” and deadlines and such. That shouldn’t be too much of a problem. So, let’s see how I rise to the challenge.

I have some cool ideas of what to do. I’m sure my mentor has some too. An artist friend of mine said that this experience will make me stretch as an artist in ways I never would’ve thought to stretch before. Good point, for what is growth, especially as an artist, except stepping outside the box and stretching?

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