Creative Milestones

I was recently asked what were some of the most important milestones in the development of my current approach. I’d like to answer that in this blog.

Fake It Until You Make It

I hate that phrase, but it was true for me with ceramics. I took one ceramic class at the Kansas City Art Institute, but that really wasn’t my focus. My focus was design. It wasn’t until 15 years later that I decide to make clay my medium.

I can say without a doubt in the beginning I wasn’t very good. But I gave myself permission to be. It allowed me to explore the edges of what I can and can’t do with clay.

When I first approached clay I had no ambitions or expectations. Creating art was more like therapy at that time and I approached it with child-like curiosity.


Belger Crane Yard Studios

Around 2011 I was accepted into the Belger Crane Yard Studios in Kansas City and it completely changed my trajectory with clay. During my time there I met a lot of visiting clay artists from all over the globe. Each one specialized in something different. The clay community in KC was very inclusive and people went out of their way to teach and help each other in the studio.

During this same time a visiting sgraffito artist came in and taught a workshop and I instantly fell in love! It brought everything I loved – imagery, form, color, linocut. It was like a lightbulb went off and I couldn’t stop.

My Evolving Approach

The edge of my practice is focusing more on conceptual imagery than exploring too many new forms. Over the years I have found wonderful shapes that really work with my concepts.

My current visuals incorporate some of the skills I’ve acquired over the last decade. Painting with underglaze, which is no easy task. Learning what clear glaze works best. Learning how to create hidden details in the work. Learning what colors blend well together. Have all contributed to my approach.

But most importantly, I couldn’t have done it alone. I have everyone I have crossed paths with in the studio to thank. There teachings and support show up in my work and I am forever grateful.



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