The coming week will, of course, be full of celebrations of our nation, in all its messy and complex glory. The Tampa Bay Times has provided a list of celebrations, and here are some arts events to go along with your patriotism.
Into the Woods äóñ Opens Friday, June 30th
The St. Petersburg Opera presents Stephen Sondheimäó»s creepy-kitschy-modern reimagining of classic fairy tales. I remember seeing this as a kid and having my mind blown by the very idea of so thoroughly transforming an existing story . . . and now thatäó»s the entire movie industry (rimshot). This is a full production, and only running for one week.
Various times through Jun 30th-July 9th, $22-$67
Palladium Theater, 253 Fifth Ave. North, St. Pete
Skyway: A Contemporary Collaboration

Now in its second week and running through October 1st, this three-venue collaboration between Tampa Bayäó»s major museums may be the most important local art event in years. Itäó»s the largest, most prominent showcase of local art in recent memory, with the MFA, the Tampa Museum of Art, and the Ringling Museum in Sarasota collectively showcasing 57 local artists, including Anthony Record, Becky Flanders, Kirk Ke Wang, Ya Laäó»Ford, Elisabeth Condon, and Noelle Mason, along with a healthy crop of up-and-comers. Start your journey at the MFA and find time to see the other venues ASAP.
Daily 10am-5pm, Thursdays until 8pm
$17 for non-members, $5 Thursdays after 5pm
Museum of Fine Arts
255 Beach Drive NE, St. Pete
Vans Warped Tour äóñ Saturday, July 1st
The Warped Tour seems to be trying to shake, or at least grow beyond, its reputation as a haven for sneering pop-punk. This yearäó»s lineup has plenty of that, but theyäó»ve also piled on a heaping helping of heavy metal, serious and less so, from bands like Candiria, Hatebreed, Gwar, Municipal Waste, and Carnifex.
12:30 pm, $39.50
Vinoy Park, 5th Avenue and Bayshore, St. Pete
Chief Keef äóñ Saturday, July 1st
Chief Keefäó»s breakout hit and cultural meme äóìI Donäó»t Likeäó is five years old now. Gasp! Itäó»s a foundational document of trap, the ultra-raw form of rap that now dominates about half of the genre. The drilling snares, barking verses, and eerie melodies could be seen as crude, but to my mind trap is often a throwback to the glory days of oddball art-rap ala Cannibal Ox circa 2002.Either way, thisäó»ll be a crazy show.
7:30 pm, $36
Jannus Live
200 1st Avenue North, St. Pete
Dan TDM äóñ Sunday, July 2nd
This one might be more for the kids, but itäó»s notable just because itäó»s such a thorough bit of future shock. Dan TDM is the screen name of Dan Middleton, a Youtube star who got famous making videos about Minecraft. And for this live show, apparently, he . . . plays Minecraft? Whether you fully understand the appeal or not, this is the future of entertainment.
2pm, $53-$83
Ruth Eckerd Hall
1111 North McMullen-Booth Road, Clearwater