PreSchool Stop Motion Animation, I am blessed. I get to teach art to four and five year olds. Needless to say, there is no shortage of imagination. What is challenging is trying to… Read More

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I created this piece for the Warehouse Arts District Association / Foundation for a Healthy St. Pete campaign called You Good? in which artists were asked to create pieces that… Read More

Breath of Influence

March 23, 2021 | By Tom Winchester Through June 13 The Gallery at Creative Pinellas Details here . . . Collaborative artists Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse recently finished installing… Read More

Mundane Moments

I don’t know how many weeks it’s been but, I’m feeling like I’m coming up short for ideas to write about for this blog. Scraping the bottom of the idea… Read More

ALL-4-1 Blog #16

ALL-4-1: 12 HEARTS AND MINDS WORKING TOGETHER A Collaboration and Installation BLOG #16 Did I tell you about a collaboration and installation I did two summers ago with 11 complete… Read More

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