Patricia Kluwe Derderian

Arts Coast Galleries Artist Patricia Kluwe Derderian has always loved to draw, even the smell of her uncle’s colored pencils inspired her to major in architecture – since art was not an option in the little city where she was raised in Brazil. She has used her art to express her projects and ideas…. Read More

Artists Cooking

August 2, 2021 Artists Cooking . . . We asked a range of artists whether cooking is part of their artistic practice – or a break from work and art…. Read More

The Book

Magnum Opus   During 2020, the year of pandemic isolation, I decided to focus the formidable abundance of “at home” time on a labor intensive computer project that I was… Read More

Akiko Kotani

Akiko Kotani, born in Waipahu, Hawaii, received her BFA in painting from the University of Hawaii and her MFA in Textiles from the Tyler School of Art, Elkins Park, PA…. Read More

The Isolated Visual Artist

July 2021 | By Don Gialanella Starving for Attention . . . . . . This type of isolation has nothing to do with the pandemic. Artists are isolated from… Read More

John Gascot

Queer Latin American/Caribbean artist John Gascot spent the first twelve years of his life in Puerto Rico, a fact to which he attributes his love of bold color. While he… Read More


March 2021 | By Emily Stehle 12 Hearts and Minds Working Together – a Collaboration and Installation . . . Did I tell you about a collaboration and installation I… Read More

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