Violinist Tunes Up a Rarity with Barber Concerto

By Kurt Loft. Samuel Barber’s Violin Concerto “should absolutely be played more,’’ says violinist Stella Chen, who performs the work with The Florida Orchestra this weekend. “It’s full of lyricism and melodic allure, and the perpetual motion finale would perk up anyone’s ears.”… Read More

Expanding Access to Classical Music

By Gabrielle Reeder. Fever orchestrates candlelit musical events every month around the world, and in Tampa Bay. Performances in over 100 cities are led by local musicians and holiday shows pop up throughout the year…. Read More

Bringing Forgotten Music Back to Life

By Kurt Loft. “We’re dedicated to giving new life to old masterpieces, giving a voice to recently discovered works and bringing audiences the eccentric and improvisatory nature of Baroque music,’’ says Dan Urbanowicz, founder of St Pete Baroque. … Read More

Please Rise, Miss Crit

By Margo Hammond. The international Creative Mornings organization asked St Pete visual artist Laura Spencer, aka Miss Crit, to create its January graphic. In addition to being a paid gig, her artwork is being seen across the globe…. Read More

Exploring the Arts Annual

Exploring the current Arts Annual exhibit as sculptor Don Gialanella shares how he developed his new large-scale work, “Climate Change Evolution.”… Read More

Postcards from Pinellas

By Jennifer Ring. On my recent arts scavenger hunt from North County to South County, I explored many ways you can enjoy arts and culture in Pinellas County…. Read More

“I’ve got forests growing inside me”

By Sara Ries Dziekonski. These are poems from the workshop I facilitated at the Gulfport Senior Center, by a wonderful group of four women. Every week we read poems, wrote poems on our own and community poems, and shared our creations…. Read More

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