Love vs. Death

New working title, Love vs. Death. A chamber opera in 2 acts, each act being a separate but complementary story, utilizing the same cast. Both stories are based upon the… Read More

My Favorite Spaces

My Favorite Spaces: Whenever I start a new process I visit my three favorite spaces to kick into action.  My materials stash, my chemical depository and my studio.  Since my… Read More

Dream a little dream with me

Long exposure portrait of artist Jennifer Kikia-Yang in her original costume design ‘Mother Nature’ at The Sharpie Gallery, Treasure Island. Light painting photography shot by Linda Costa Cheranichit in total… Read More

Obsession and Art

Last week, I taught a workshop at the annual Sandhill Writers Retreat, held on campus at Saint Leo University. One of the most rewarding parts of these community-based workshops is… Read More

Carrie Boucher

Arts In: Carrie Boucher Carrie Boucher’s artistic practice is driving a traveling art classroom, providing opportunities for children and adults to create art. The much-beloved Nomad Art Bus visits art… Read More

First Comes Vision

First Comes Vision One of the most difficult parts of an artist’s journey can be turning her vision into finished work. Often times, I am walking the dog, reading a… Read More

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