Continuing exploration of water, Carol Mickett & Robert Stackhouse Expanding Waters Exhibition created a story in 2 and 3 dimensions about the current state of our waters.
Continuing exploration of water, Carol Mickett & Robert Stackhouse Expanding Waters Exhibition created a story in 2 and 3 dimensions about the current state of our waters. Waters are rising and getting warmer. They fuel the intensification of hurricanes and the flooding of our lands. Mickett and Stackhouse’s paintings and large-scale installation, Breath of Influence, shed light on the issue of climate change and offer ways to mitigate the warming and, hence, expansion of our waters. In addition to the visual art, Expanding Waters provided a space for performances, scientific discussion, and social engagement.
Expanding Waters explored ways to mitigate the warming of our waters and atmosphere by the reduction of heat trapping CO2. The show’s participants found many honorific images of trees, specifically The Mangrove and The Live Oak. These ubiquitous trees are key absorbers of CO2 and, hence, essential to reducing our carbon footprint. Planting trees is one way we, in our lives, can help mitigate the warming of our waters.
Link to Carol Mickett & Robert Stackhouse