I’m filming in a movie!

In 2 weeks, I’m actually going to be in front of the camera and acting. This is crazy! For the past 2 years, I’ve been so focused on sharpening my skills as a producer, writer and director and now I am finally focusing on acting. It feels amazing. Between me and you, acting makes me the happiest! However, I always thought it was a silly dream to have and never really gave it my all. As I mentioned in a blog prior, this year I really wanted to tap into my acting skills and see how well I could do.

When I began auditioning in February, I did not know this opportunity would come about and it is literally the perfect script for me. Now I won’t take away from my acting skills but to have a script that has a character who is pretty similar to you, is definitely hitting the jackpot. Okay?!! It always surprises me that the directors of the film, say I am doing such a great job! Because I’m really just acting like myself. No method acting or anything. Just me.

The film synopsis is “A group of friends in their mid-20’s reunite to celebrate New Years’, but what was meant to be a stress-free vacation, soon turns into a learning experience for everyone.”

I am so blessed to work with such a talented cast and crew and can’t wait to be on set while we film in Orlando. Next weekend is our last time rehearsing and I am getting a little anxious. It’s about to be gametime. I’ll keep you posted on that experience.

Also, if you want to help contribute to the independent film, please click here 🙂

SN: I also did background actor work for a Lifetime movie and let’s just say it was an experience!

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