Upcoming: My Work to be Featured In Create! Magazine

My work has been accepted for inclusion in Create! Magazine! Edition #40 will be available in print or digitally sometime in late 2023.  Create! Magazine is a contemporary art magazine that fosters community internationally while encouraging accessibility to artists and art lovers alike. https://www.createmagazine.com

This has been my third time over the last several years that I submitted my work for review to this publication. It was wonderful to see the congratulatory email from the Create! team.

Union, Acrylic on Canvas 48 x 60 inches  2023  K. Engel

I have submitted my work to several  juried shows and publications since the emerging artist opening at Creative Pinellas. It has been part of my weekly routine to review calls for art both locally and nationally. I am continually seeking out galleries and publications and other venues that align with my aesthetic sensibility.

For this particular call, I entered examples of my work that were from my Pink Cloud Series; many of which were part of the 2023 EAE at Creative Pinellas.

Lightfast Horizon, Acrylic on Canvas 2023 K. Engel

I have been a follower of the Create! Podcast (formally called Art and Cocktails)  for several years. I have gained so much practical knowledge and encouragement from the content. Please follow the link  https://www.createmagazine.com to learn more and to order print or digital subscriptions.  The links for other amazing resources, especially for emerging artists, are also available on the site.  Founder Ekaterina Popova has shared practical knowledge for navigating the art world. She and her friend and partner, Alicia Puig have just written their second book titled, “The Creative Business Handbook: Follow Your Passions and be Your Own Boss.” Their strong message of encouragement to create your own opportunities has been an ongoing source of inspiration for me. I have grown so much since the first time I tuned into the Create! podcast several years ago. I’m grateful to have my work in this upcoming edition!

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