Professional Artist Grant purchases
By Joseph Weinzettle
With the Creative Pinellas Professional Artist Grant, I have been able to make purchases that met immediate and long-term needs for art supplies. These purchases include brushes and oil paint from local suppliers, watercolor papers, oil medium and empty paint tubes.
Below are a selection of rounds and flat oil brushes that I purchased from Bay Area Art Supplies in St. Petersburg:

I’ve already started using these brushes en plein air. Because I purchased some identical sizes and types, I am now able to rotate brushes. While one set is drying in storage after cleaning, another can be in active use.
Tampa has a paint manufacturer that I have been interested in trying for several years called Marion Street Art Materials. Finally, I placed and order for these hand-tubed paints:

The grant also funded purchases of drawing and painting supports. I bought some 120 lb press watercolor paper from a local art supplier and 300 lb press from an online art supplier (samples below):

When working in ink wash, I use the paper as is (below). When working in silverpoint and oils, I prepare the paper with chalk gesso grounds and sometimes oil primer. This plein-air drawing below is on two sheets of 120 lb press watercolor paper.

Next week: Preparing paper supports