Working In Different Mediums


Over the years I have worked in a variety of mediums. The above image shows three different ones. On the right is a light I built out of metal and glass. I love combining contrasting materials. Metal feels cold, heavy, and strong. While glass is fragile, light, and warm against the light.




The above image doesn’t show the swirling shadows it casts on the ceiling. I think that is my favorite part of this piece. You’ll just have to take my word for it. This light symbolizes a flower box. The forced construction by man does not take away natures light.

The acrylic painting in the middle is a piece I created in 2020 during the pandemic. It was an extremely isolating time for me working and living alone at home. But the tension and fear from everyone around me was extremely strong. So, I directed that energy into this painting. It represents holding space when you are confronted with fear.


“Quarantine” is available for sale.


And the piece on the far left is my current favorite medium – ceramics. This vase has a 360 degree view of a landscape around the entire circumference. It is the main reason why I love ceramics. I am able to combine my love for painting/graphics and 3-dimensional art. The shape of the ceramic lends another layer to the meaning of a piece. This piece symbolizes the fullness of speaking your truth.



“Speak Your Truth” is available for sale.


Being a multi-media artist means I love exploring new ways of telling a story. Each medium brings a different dimension and conceptual layer to each piece.


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