Here’s your monthly dose of headline arts news, from painting to film, and with a good squeeze of Florida. This month has seen protest, upheaval, and a lot of great creative work.
Without question the biggest arts news of the month is that surrounding a production of Julius Caesar for New Yorkäó»s Shakespeare in the Park. Because it has altered the production to draw parallels between the assassinated Caesar and the current President, it has been picketed and interrupted by activists.
In the second round of 2017 NEA grants, Florida netted $1.62 million in support for the arts. The Tampa Museum of art won a $10,000 grant for its upcoming exhibit äóìSkyway: A Contemporary Collaboration.äó The bulk of the Florida grants went to institutions in the Miami area.
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, better known simply as the Met, has reshuffled its leadership. This follows a period of acute financial trouble and the February resignation of a controversial director.
David Lynchäó»s Twin Peaks returned in May, to almost universally rave reviews and fevered fan reaction. Now on Showtime rather than a network, the new Twin Peaks picks up where the story left off 25 years ago äóñ but this time itäó»s weirder, darker, and much more ambitious. Worth noting: Showtimeäó»s streaming service is about $11 a month.
Art Basel is underway äóñ the original event in Switzerland, that is, not the U.S. iteration in Miami. Sales are showing signs of continuing strength in the art market.æAnd Artnet has rounded up their picks for the Ten Best Artworks at Art Basel 2017.
Crime and Death Addendum:

A noose, taken by many as an ominous threat, was found hanging outside the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.. This was the third such incident in recent weeks, including another noose found at the new National Museum of African American History.
Carrie Fisheräó»s death may have been drug-related. Though the official cause of death does not currently indicate overdose, cocaine and heroin were found in her system by an autopsy.
A notorious art forger was recently released from prison äóñ and immediately started selling fake Damien Hirst prints. Couldnäó»t happen to a nicer guy.
Stephen Furst, known to many as Animal Houseäó»s äóìFlounder,äó died on June 16th. He was also admired for his work on the science-fiction epic Babylon 5.
Adam West, who played Batman in the 1960s TV show that took the character in a campy, comedic direction, also passed away this month, to a clamor of reverent remembrances.