It’s heartbreaking to think about all the devastation natural disasters have caused in the past month.
Hurricane Irmaäó»s winds ripped off a large section of freeFall Theatre‘s roof, allowing rain to floodæthe theatre,ælobby and concessions.
The floodingæseverely damaged both the interior structure of the theatre and equipment vital to our productions. While insurance will cover the water damage, they mustææraise funds to replace the roof.
If you love the first-class productions produced by freeFall,æædonateæhere. Donationsæwill ensure jobs for the actors who have committed to our 2017/2018 season and support our partnering craftsmen, artisans, and suppliers. It will ensureæWhite Fangäó»s London co-production draws international attention to St. Peteäó»s arts community.
When we Jobsite Theater assessed the damage from Irma and planned how they would be able to move forward, theyætallied $10,000 in sales which they say they would not be able to make up during future runs. That early estimate proved to be true. “At the end of the run we missed our goal by $9,616 äóñ not the best way to start the season,” Artistic Director David M. Jenkins posted on Facebook. It’s a daunting loss with their next show beingæThe Threepenny Operaæin the Jaeb, their most expensive production of the year, which we they are already heavily paying out on.
“If we can make up what weäó»re sure about losing with private donations by opening night ofæThreepenny, Oct. 20, we should be able to weather this production and keep us in enough cash to not interrupt our ability to produceæThe Tempest,” Jenkins says.
Donations made toward Irma recoveryæ will be specifically put toward the bottom line loss ofæThe Flickæand not enteræJobsite’s annual campaignægeneral funds,
Click here to donate.
The American Red Cross (Irma and Harvey)
International (Irma)æhttps://www.oxfam.org/en/emergencies/hurricane-irmaæ
AmeriCares (Harvey, Irma, and Maria)
Global Giving
Save the Children (Harvey and Irma)
Unicef (Harvey and Irma)
World Vision (Harvey and Irma)
ææ æhttps://donate.worldvision.org/ways-to-give/disaster-reliefæææ ææ
Mexican Earthquake Relief:
æ æ æ ææUNICEF Mexicoæhttps://www.donaunicef.org.mx/landing-terremoto/ æ
æ æ æ æ æRed Cross Mexicoæhttps://cruzrojadonaciones.org/
ææ æ æ æ æOxfam Mexicoæhttps://www.oxfammexico.org/donaæææææææææ
Save the Children Mexicoæhttps://secure.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.9535305/k.1139/Mexico_Earthquake_Childrens_Relief_Fund/apps/ka/sd/donor.asp
æ æProject Pazæhttps://twitter.com/ProjectPaz/status/910266667053256705æ
æ æ æ æ æTopos Mexicoæhttps://www.topos.mx/
ææ æ æ ææGlobal Givingæhttps://www.globalgiving.org/projects/mexico-earthquake-relief-fund/ æ
æ æ æ æ æInternational Community Foundationæhttps://donate.icfdn.org/npo/international-disaster-relief-fundæ
æ æ æ æ æWorld Visionæhttps://donate.worldvision.org/disaster-relief-fund ææææææææ
æTyphoon Doksuri Relief
æ æ æ ææHabitat for Humanity Vietnam https://www.habitat.org/donate/?z=a&link=1