Free Online Health Insurance Workshop for Artists

By Carlene Cobb

Know Your
Health Insurance Options

The St. Pete Arts Alliance Presents a Free Workshop for Artists

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What happens if you reach up to the top of your canvas with your paintbrush, suddenly lose your balance – and tumble into a fall that requires medical attention? If you have health insurance, you can relax and focus on healing, get back to work on your next creation and not feel stressed about medical expenses.

To help artists learn what they need to know about securing health insurance, The St. Petersburg Arts Alliance is offering a free, interactive Health Insurance Workshop, now available on demand on the Arts Alliance YouTube page

“Now more than ever, taking care of our artists with regard to their health and wellbeing is imperative,” says St. Pete Arts Alliance CEO Terry Marks. “Supporting artists in this manner, in turn, supports our community as a whole. The St. Petersburg Arts Alliance will continue to find ways to assist and connect artists to healthcare opportunities and more information on other relevant topics in the future.”
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Independent Health Insurance Professional Peter Motzenbecker presents
the facts you need to know
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Employee Benefits Advisor with Wallace Welch & Willingham, Joseph Papich
is the workshop moderator

Generally, self-employed people who are not able to get health insurance through a group plan through a spouse or significant other need to get their own health insurance,” says Motzenbecker. “The options available to them are through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), sometimes referred to as Obamacare, and private health insurance. They both can work to protect a person if a serious illness or injury occurs, and both can fill specific healthcare needs.”

As an independent insurance agent, Motzenbecker does not represent specific companies. His research and experience can help you feel better informed with greater confidence in your decision making about the benefits of the ACA, private health insurance and other health insurance concerns.
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Open enrollment for some types of health insurance
begins on November 1 and ends on December 5

This timely discussion will help you highlight your options and make informed decisions.  Takeaways include:

– How much does health insurance cost?

– What are the deductibles and co-pays?

– What if I have preexisting medical conditions?

– Can I also cover a spouse, children or significant other?

– Are there less expensive options if I’m healthy?



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