Hey folks! Some quick housekeeping: Weäó»re experimenting with a new occasional feature highlighting some fringier cultural goings-on in Pinellas. For now weäó»re calling Underground Roundup, and you can check out the first installment here [link]. Five Things to Do will remain the post to check for our absolute most recommended events in the area äóñ but if youäó»re also curious about the grittier, youthful, boundary-pushing side of things, weäó»ll offer this more focused glimpse when thereäó»s enough activity to justify it. If you like it, or have something youäó»d like to bring to our attention, let us know.
Now, on to our weekly picks! After several music-heavy weeks, weäó»ve got a welcome bounty of fine art and literature this time around. Dig in!
Jack Kerouac Birthday Weekend With Wordier Than Thou, March 10th and 11th
Pinellas Countyäó»s connection with Kerouac may be a sad one äóñ he died here äóñ but the man himself certainly wouldnäó»t have minded a little extra joy, kicks, and darkness in remembrance of his March 12th birthday. Wordier than Thou is throwing two events. First, on March 10th, thereäó»s a selection of Kerouac-inspired readings at the Wordier book store (5741 75th Ave. North, Pinellas Park). Then the Grand Central Lit Crawl will start at the Queens Head bar at 4p.m., then make three more stops, with more readings along the way.
Both Events Free
St. Pete Second Saturday Art Walk, Saturday March 11th
Always unmissable, St. Peteäó»s monthly art amble stretches from downtown all the way to the Warehouse Arts District, with 20 stops along the way (Thank your aching calves, thereäó»s a free trolley). Special events this month include glassblowing demos at both Zen Glass and Duncan McClellan Glass, and the walk is always a great chance to meet and mingle with gallerists and artists. The Tampa Bay Times has made some recommendationsæabout what deserves your attention most.
5pm -9pm Saturday
Fresh Squeezed: Emerging Florida Artists, Saturday March 11th
This is our #1 Art Walk pick, and looks to be a vital opportunity to see progressive art from a group of younger, adventurous artists from around Florida. Among those featured is Orland-based Brian Feldman, known for thought-provoking performances, and the edgy portrait painter Penelope Livingston.
Free, Opening 5pm-9pm, runs through April 30th
Morean Arts Center

Robert Earl Keen, Monday March 13th
We share Texas roots, so Iäó»m biased, but Robert Earl Keen may be the living embodiment of progressive country music. His sound is stripped of any Nashville sheen, but he writes songs thatäó»ll hook you all the same äóñ theyäó»ve been recorded by the likes of George Strait, Joe Ely, and the Dixie Chicks, among many others.
7:30 pm, $35-42.50
Capitol Theatre, 405 Cleveland Street, Clearwater
MFA Third Thursday Porch Party and $5 Admission Night, Thursday March 16th
As we mentioned in our article about community outreach recently, the Museum of Fine Arts in downtown St. Pete offers discounted admission one Thursday a month äóñ and if that wasnäó»t enough, theyäó»re also throwing in some food and drinks. The museumäó»s current shows include the Open Road photography exhibit, Greg Smithäó»s Breakdown Lane performance documents, and a new exhibit of organic sculptures by Dominique Labauvie.
Free for members, $5 non-members
255 Beach Drive NE, St. Petersburg