Day in the Life

Day in the Life

by Nikki Devereux | 03.12.21

I always love reading “day in the life” stories, so here’s one from my life as an artist, marketing professional at Pinstripe Marketing, and mama.

6:30am – wake up with baby (10.5 months old), brush my teeth, change her, play with her, check email, respond to what I can

7am – give baby a bottle

7:15-9:30am – play with baby, do some house chores that entertain her (laundry, water plants, tidy), pull dried homemade paper from screens, get some materials ready for later

9:30am – baby naps, mama writes a blog, answers emails, sets up client meetings for marketing agency

10:30am – baby wakes up and I take her to her Mimi’s for a few hours

11am – arrive back home, make coffee, sit down at computer to work on some items for grant applications, work on my website, complete a client research project for Pinstripe Marketing, check on Google Ads for Pinstripe

12:45pm – make myself some lunch and eat at computer to finish Pinstripe client projects

1pm – go into studio to work on current project – today I painted some substrates white in preparation for mounting the handmade paper “sculptures” onto them. Blended some more pulp and strained onto the screen for a few new pieces of homemade paper, cut out some new magazine items I fell in love with, glue some mixed media pieces into place to finish another sculpture

2pm – back to the desk to check email and drink some water, take action on some Pinstripe client requests, and then back to the studio to continue working on project.

3:30pm – back to the desk to order some art supplies (I need acid-free, archival adhesive and a couple more wood panels), answer some more emails and write my list for tonight and tomorrow

4pm – leave to go pick up baby

4:45pm – arrive home with baby, grab and sort mail with her “help,” start making dinner, listen to music and simultaneously play with her a little before daddy gets home.

5:15pm – daddy arrives home and takes baby to play while I cook

5:50-6pm – I finish making dinner and we all sit down to eat together

6:25pm – dinner is over (at least for baby!! she has a short attention span), and we clean up

6:30pm – baby’s bath time, get ready for bed, reading books, singing, kiss good night

7pm – mama and daddy time to hang out, drink wine, talk about our day, watch shows, work on any projects we need to get done, finish up any work left from the day, relax



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