By Steph Hargrove and Tabitha Rose
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Art Journaling is for Everyone
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NEA/Pinellas Recovers Grant Update
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Have you ever had a moment where you had to stop everything you’re doing simply to collect your thoughts?
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hold that thought
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Imagine a day where you’re swimming in stress and confusion. You’re worried about keeping the lights on or maybe you’re stuck in relationships that don’t serve you and yours. The laundry list of worries is long in a country with outdated rules and infuriating discrimination.
Let’s face it, the world sometimes feels like it’s on fire leaving little room for YOU to breathe. . . to make sense of it all.
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It’s not easy to collect all your thoughts if your brain is overloaded and overworked.
So if you’ve ever found yourself asking what the hell is going on in my life or why can’t I think straight – then you’ve stumbled upon the perfect (art journaling) guidebook to explore your thoughts in a relaxing, creative and fun way.
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We are Steph and Rose, and we’ve created a book for anyone looking to pause from the day and sort through the mental clutter that comes with work, family and everything in between. Collect Your Thoughts (CYT) is an art journaling program created for adults who deserve a tool that is proven to help self-soothe, self-regulate and de-stress.
Why? Because we firmly believe that art is for everyone AND creating a mindful art practice improves your mental health and wellbeing.

It’s a space just for you to shift through the bullshit of the day, the heartaches tucked away, and the questions of what comes next.
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for the Collect Your Thoughts project
When you can’t find the words to say, let collage art pave the way to peace. A space free from deadlines and expectations is the perfect place to empty your mind and see what falls onto the page.
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The first step of walking through the door is finding the key.
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Steph & Rose
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and helps with mental health

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