Arts In Podcast – Chad Mize

If you’re near downtown St Pete, you’ve seen the cheerfully iconic Mr. Sun mural and Twiggy’s dreamy, gazing eyes. The striking Paris-London-Tokyo-St Pete graphic is now a proud city emblem. Many of the city’s signature images spring from the quick-witted mind of Chad Mize.

Chad Mize Motorcycle Gas Tank Art
Detail of Chad Mize’s motorycle gas tank art piece – photo by Daniel Ventimilla

Chad talks with Barbara St. Clair about the allure of mural work, and the draining physical labor of mural creation. He shares his many inspirations, the business sense that lets him earn his living as an artist and the sharp eye for design that drives his work.

Explore Chad’s murals, paintings, design, logos, music mixes and more at

Check out the SHINE Mural Festival at

Chad Mize – Twiggy and Mr Sun

Arts In is produced by Sheila Cowley.
Executive Producer, Barbara St. Clair for Creative Pinellas.


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