Art Show Displays
I’ll be participating in two local outdoor art shows this spring, the Tarpon Springs Fine Arts Festival and the Mainsail Art Festival in St. Pete. I’ve been in both of these shows before and am excited to be there again.
In the past, my booth displays consisted of DIY panels, but this year I am looking to up my game with a more professional display. Some considerations I had while researching panels were for them to be lightweight for easier transport, but also durable because I want them to last. I have been looking around for used panels, but haven’t had much luck so far, so I started looking into getting them new.

I was originally looking at ProPanels because I have seen displays using these panels and really liked the look of them. They are also easy to set-up and break down. However, these are the most expensive, especially when you add on extras such as telescoping legs and hanging bars, so I wanted to look into some other options.
I thought that the mesh panels from Flourish were a decent option. I got to test these out and especially liked how easy the hanging system was. Drapery hooks are simply inserted into the holes of the mesh to hang artwork. The only downside to the mesh panels is that they don’t have the same solid look that the ProPanel walls have. I could also order fabric coverings for the mesh panels from Flourish, but then it would end up being more expensive than the ProPanels.
Another option was to purchase a grid wall from Graphic Display Systems. These panels are a much cheaper option than both the ProPanels and the Flourish mesh panels. They are durable and lightweight, but the grid itself is not very attractive. However, adding the fabric coverings from Flourish would give it a nicer look and allow me to hang my artwork easily with the drapery pins. I ordered some sample fabrics from Flourish and was really impressed by the self-healing fabric technology as well as the look of the fabric itself. After poking a hole into the fabric with the drapery pins and rubbing it with my finger, it’s like the hole was never there! I think this is the solution I’ve been looking for, but I will keep looking around for used panels just in case something comes up. I’m looking forward to my upcoming outdoor shows even more now!